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Nettlefield Primary School, Radnor Street, Belfast

Primary 7

Welcome to our P7 page!
Here you will be able to keep up to date with all the exciting things happening in our classes.

P7 is a very important year as it prepares our oldest children for life after Nettlefield Primary School. As a result, the children will have a lot more independence and responsibility.

We have lots to look forward to this year, including choosing our new secondary schools, our residential, P7 show and leaving assembly.

Our topics this year will include:

  • Ancient Greece
  • Natural Disasters
  • The Human Body
  • Financial Capability
  • Moving On

We are looking forward to a year of hard work and fun and making memories that we will remember forever!

We hope you enjoy seeing what P7 are doing.

Mrs Henderson + Miss Ryan (P7H)

Mrs Murphy + Mrs Neculai (P7M)



26th Jun 2024
Claire and Grace brought some animals to show us from Blackberry Farm. We talked...
26th Jun 2024
25th Jun 2024
Well done to all our winners in the prize giving today! 
24th Jun 2024
P7’s had a great morning at the SSE Arena at Hollywood Bowl. We enjoyed bowling...

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