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Nettlefield Primary School, Radnor Street, Belfast

Primary 2

Welcome to Primary 2!  We are very excited for this new year. 

Our topics this year will include:

  • Castles & fairy tales
  • The Senses
  • Weather
  • Lifecycles
  • Growing things
  • The seaside

We are excited to see what this year will bring for P.2!

Mrs Ferris and Mrs Cameron




26th Jun 2024
Claire and Grace brought some animals to show us from Blackberry Farm. We talked...
26th Jun 2024
We had great fun trying lots of new sports today! 
21st Jun 2024
We had a lovely treat today. We made s’mores on the school fire pit! Yummy! 
21st Jun 2024
We released our butterflies in the school garden. 

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