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Nettlefield Primary School, Radnor Street, Belfast

Primary 1

Welcome to the P1 home page. We are very excited for this school year and have been having lots of fun already!

Our topics include:

The Dentist

Houses and Homes


Fire Fighters

Birds/ The Farm


We look forward to sharing our lovely work with you.

Mrs Kane and Miss Maxwell



26th Jun 2024
Claire and Grace brought some animals to show us from Blackberry Farm. We talked...
10th Jun 2024
We were very lucky today to have a fantastic session for the whole school lead by...
5th Jun 2024
P1 spent some time weeding and watering our garden. We also enjoyed using our construction...
18th Apr 2024
P1 were excited to use their new waterproofs for Outdoor play. We enjoyed working...

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