Access Keys:

Nettlefield Primary School, Radnor Street, Belfast

Nursery Nativity 2022

14th Dec 2022

Our nativity will take place in the main school assembly hall at 11am. Please enter via the outside doors to the assembly hall (near the school wall - not the Surestart entrance) Doors should be open from 10.45am. 

The children will enter the hall via the stage door at 11am and the main curtain may be open (we will see how nervous they are). We will leave the hall lights on so the children can see all your friendly faces. You can give them a big wave, smile and cheer but please stay in your seats and do not approach the stage as children will want to go to you.

After the performance we will take children back to nursery via the stage door and will keep them in costume until you arrive. The children will leave first, then 10 minutes later you are free to leave via the outside doors and make your way around the nursery building to the front doors of nursery. We will then let you in, match you up with your child and you are free to take as many photos as you want. 

When you have taken photos, could you please help your child get changed, then return their costume to us. Children will receive a chocolate lolly and are free to go home with you. No dinners will be served.

The children have been practising really hard and are so excited to sing for you all. We hope you enjoy their performance. Please feel free to join in with the songs as I am sure you know all the words by now!